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2014年3月5日 星期三

不負責任Chinese Lesson:我想吃…I want to eat...


The following picture is an example of basic lesson for learning Chinese.   The lesson topic is "Eat & Drink".
I marked the pinyin tone with 1, 2, 3, and 4.  (See wiki for detailed pinyin tone explanation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tone_(linguistics))

First students will have to match the vocabulary words for the correct pictures (by drawing lines~).  From my limited tutoring experience during college, I found it more effective to let student memorize the vocabulary with corresponding images rather than English translations.  The first 5 food items I picked are relatively basic in our daily life (I think).  After practicing the 5 basic words with the sample sentences,  tutors can move on to other related vocabulary as listed at the bottom of this picture: 

(English translation in the order) toast, pizza, pasta, steak, orange juice, apple juice, lemon juice, pearl milk tea, and fruit. 
(pinyin in the order) tu3 si1, pi1 sa, yi4da4li4mien4, niu2 pai2, liu3 cheng2 zhi1, ping2 guo3 zhi1, ning2 mong2 zhi1, zhen1 zhu1 nai3 cha2, shui3 guo3.

點選圖片可放大 (click to enlarge the image)

Just memorize the sentence pattern and a few food items you like, the next time a Chinese/Taiwanese co-worker ask you what would you like for lunch in English, you can then respond in Chinese to surprise him/her:

"What would you like for lunch?"
"我想吃牛排  Wo3 Xiang3 Chi1 Niu2 Pai2" (I want to eat steak.)
(牛mean beef, or cattle)

"What would you like for dinner?"
"我想吃義大利麵  Wo Xiang3 Chi1 Yi4 Da4 Li4 Mien4" (I want to eat pasta)
(義大利 = Italy, 麵= noddle, Italian noodle = pasta!)

Thanks for reading.  See you next time~~


-國鳳   March 6, 2014


