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2018年6月12日 星期二

2018影集:Manhunt: Unabomber

Image via IMDb

最近剛看完Netflix上的這部影集,中譯<緝凶:飛機炸彈客>,一共八集,看完後,每逢等待紅綠燈的時刻就再也不一樣了。抬頭凝視那盞深紅且醒目的燈,Ted Kaczynski的理念不僅僅是影響了影集中的男主角,也以某種形式(畫面,或是聲音)烙印在我的腦袋裡,算是後勁頗強的美劇,與極地惡靈(The Terror)並列2018上半年觀後餘悸猶存/意猶未盡的美劇,非常值得一看。


雖根據真實案件改編(搜尋Unabomber 可找到Kaczynski的wiki頁面,看完後對本劇的背景能有詳盡的了解),可真實世界中男主角Fitzgerald和炸彈客Kaczynski並不熟識,影集中多次對認罪的攻防是虛構的,是為了戲劇效果而做的安排,但這樣的改編,或者該說加油添醋,在我看來卻是整部影集最優秀的地方。印象最深的是最後一集前半段,Fitzgerald使出殺手鐧,根據他自己對Ted理念的深刻了解,將Ted帶到證物小木屋前,以幾乎是「言語霸凌」的方式逼迫Ted認輸,字字句句戳中要害,就是要逼他無條件認罪,以下是我覺得頗精彩的段落摘錄~

(上色的部分是我覺得很厲害的地方,從來不覺得演員Sam Worthington有演技,但他在這部分的表現很出色,讓人驚艷,劇本逐字稿來源:https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=manhunt-unabomber-2017&episode=s01e08)
They're gonna stick you in an insane asylum where, slowly, you will be adjusted.
Pills, electroshock therapy, threat, punishment, reward, till finally you're cured.
It might take years, but it's gonna happen.
You will be normal, and you'll rejoin society.
You'll get a credit card, an apartment, business casual wardrobe, you know, some of those tops with the penguins on them.
And you'll get a job behind a desk where you'll work obediently 9:00 to 5:00, and your first paycheck, you get a cellphone.
Next one, you get a TV.
You know, if you splurge, you can get yourself a Nintendo.
And every night, you fall asleep watching that TV.
And every weekend, you're gonna go to the mall.
You're gonna walk around circuit city.
You're gonna look at the big-screen tvs and think, "should I get myself a 20-incher?" Or should I just keep saving up for the 27-incher? "I don't know.

" And, as you're thinking about this, slurping on your orange Julius, somebody's gonna recognize you and say, "weren't you that Unabomber guy," you know, the guy that wrote all that stuff "and killed all those people?" And you'll go, "yeah, that was me", but I was very sick.
"But I got help, and I'm much, much better now, thank you.
" And then you're gonna go back to watching your tvs.
And you won't even remember that you wanted anything more than this.
See, Ted, you predicted all this in your Manifesto.
"Many tame and conformist types seem to have a powerful need" to depict the enemy of society as sick so as to delegitimize "their valid complaints against society.
" This cabin used to be a symbol of moral courage, and now they're just gonna point it and say you've got to be insane to live this way.


Fitz: I just don't know when I started to feel so powerless.
Natalie: We all feel that way, everyone does.
Fitz: Yeah, we all feel like that, but what do we do about it? Nothing. We like it. We like feeling trapped, crushed. I guess freedom is far more terrifying than slavery.
Natalie: There's nothing to do. That's life. We suck it up, and we live.
Fitz: But that's not life. That's sleepwalking. Watching TV, eating trash, working to become something for someone else. Nobody doesn't something, nobody even tries. Nobody except for Ted!
Natalie: Yeah, but Fitz, he's the Unabomber. He's evil.(劇本逐字稿,來源:https://www.tvfanatic.com/quotes/shows/manhunt-unabomber/page-4.html,Fitzgerald的心聲就是我的心聲啊啊啊~他的困惑也是我的困惑!好險理智的Natalie提醒了他。)


Hey, Gil? But you're a sheep, and you're living in a world of sheep.
And because you're all sheep, because all you can do is obey, I can reach out and touch anyone anywhere. (劇本逐字稿,來源:https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=manhunt-unabomber-2017&episode=s01e01)




